
September 5

1 Corinthians 14:21-40

Paul understands that speaking in tongues seems crazy to the natural mind. It is a spiritual phenomenon that shows the world the power of God when it is used in public with an interpretation. In verse 23, Paul says if you don’t have an interpretation, the people only hear an unknown language, which makes no sense to them, and they’ll think you are demented. However, when by the Holy Spirit, words are spoken that call out something unknown to the person speaking, an unbeliever will hear and know that God is real. In all we speak, it should be constructive and edifying for the good of all.

Proverbs 7-8

Solomon, a wealthy man with seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines, who is the son of King David who had eight wives and several concubines, is telling his son, stay away from the loose woman. Solomon was a wise man in many regards, but in Genesis 2:24 God made it clear that marriage was for one man and one woman. Clearly, neither Solomon or David lived within God’s perimeters of marriage. We have to understand this is a different culture from today. The Jewish Law did not forbid a man marrying multiple women, as long as he took care of them. Having more than one wife was a status symbol for wealthy men. Women, however, could only have one husband, even if she had to share him with another women. This is not God’s plan, and in every Biblical instance of polygamy, it always brought trouble with it. Solomon writes chapter 7 describing a man as a victim, being overpowered by the seduction of a loose woman. When a person has a strong appetite for something, that person could feel weak, as if the other person held a power of them, the power of seduction. It is true that people can use their sexuality to manipulate another person who is held by its desire, and we all can learn to guard ourselves against being overpower by anyone over anything. God wants us to search for wisdom and live free of being compromised to our consecration to Him as Lord over our lives.

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April 18

Luke 16:19-31 In these verses we find a story about Sheol, a holding place for the dead. For more on Hades and the afterlife, you can find an article called “What Does the Bible Say...
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April 17

Luke 16:1-18 “WHAT IS HIGHLY ESTEEMED AMONG MEN IS AN ABOMINATION IN THE SIGHT OF GOD (verse 15).” This was said about loving money, which is also about loving control and self-sufficiency. In the same...
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April 16

Luke 15:11-32 This passage is a parable about a father and two sons. One leaves home and returns. The other stays and resents the gracious treatment of the returning brother. in verse 17, it says...
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