
September 8

1 Corinthians 16

Whatever we do with this one, beautiful life, it should be done with love for God and love for people (verse 14). As we come to a close of this letter, let’s see that Paul himself, even though he addressed the sin and error he heard about, in love, he tried to bring correction for their good. If there is someone in our life and if there is sin in our heart, and that person cares enough about us to warn us, we should be thankful for them and turn from that sin. If there is someone that sees we are listening to erroneous teaching, and that person shows us truth, we should be grateful and listen. Correction isn’t always pleasant for the one in error or for the one giving it, but if we love God and love one another, we’ll not overlook what is wrong or compromise what is right. Let courageous love be our motivation!

Proverbs 13-14

What are we going after in this world? Wealth isn’t a bad thing when we’re putting God’s kingdom first. However, if we’re pursuing money and possessions while neglecting participation and giving in our local church, missions, and helping the poor; we’re genuinely not rich at all. Real riches are ones that are of eternal value and are found by the heart that is humble and surrendered before God. Proverbs 13:7 says, “One man considers himself rich, yet has nothing [to keep permanently]; another man considers himself poor, yet has great [and indestructible] riches.”

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April 26

Luke 20:27-47 Before Jesus’ death, He goes through more questioning and discussion. The intellect tries to understand spiritual truth, but it is the Holy Spirit that gives revelation. As Jesus told His disciples in the...
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April 25

Luke 20:1-26 Jesus goes through questioning the week between the Triumphal Entry and His crucifixion. The hatred from his enemies was only growing. Time was getting close for His death. In the middle of this...
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April 24

Luke 19:28-48 In verse 44, Jesus says, “YOU DID NOT KNOW THE TIME OF YOUR VISITATION.” For this reason, Jerusalem would be destroyed, their precious temple torn down, families separated and dispersed, Jews scattered around...
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