
Ministry Includes Healing the Brokenhearted

“…He [God] has sent Me [Jesus] to heal the brokenhearted…” Luke 4:18

Jesus made it clear that His earthly ministry was not His own agenda, but it was obedience to His Father’s authority and commission. John 6:38 says, “…I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the one who sent me.” His sending had purpose. Therefore, healing the brokenhearted was GOD’S agenda.

Leaders do need to focus on leadership matters, giving oversight to all areas under their authority. Leaders can also surround themselves with a team that helps with the broken. However, ministers who don’t minister healing are missing the point of ministry! While some may criticize that leaders should not be giving part of their time and attention to ministering to hurting people, I would say that Jesus is the greatest church leader of all; and He made sure He gave part of His time to personally and directly minister to the brokenhearted. Not only did He heal and strengthen the hurting; but Jesus also exampled this ministry to His team and His followers. Serving the least of these is what true ministry is (James 1:27).

I have found that most people who criticize a ministry to the brokenhearted are people who are jealous of your attention, are striving to build a church apart from God’s values, lack love, are performance oriented, or people who are actually blind to the fact that they themselves are a hurting. This type is obviously self-centered, not God-centered. Well, God news, God is merciful and long-suffering.

Ministry to the hurting takes a lot of grace, receiving it from God for ourselves and giving it to others. Ministry takes faith, a belief that nothing is impossible and no case is too hard for God. Ministry takes patience, because becoming whole in the soul is a process. Ministry takes power because healing requires the anointing, so time with God is imperative. Ministry takes compassion, a love from God that motivates us from deep within. Ministry finds reward from the Father having His way.

Here are a couple of tips: 1) People belong to God, not to us, and they should be treated as such, with value. 2) People make choices that are out of our control, so we do what we can and don’t take rejection personally. 3) Make sure you take care of yourself so you are strong and healthy to care for others.

Application: Callings differ, and some have a gift of mercy (Romans 12), working more with broken people in trouble or need; however, that doesn’t excuse the rest of us from taking on assignments to help someone in need of healing and restoration. Who are you helping?

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