Matthew 25:31-46
In verses 31 – 46, Jesus speaks about judging the nations at the end of the millennial reign. We often refer to this passage for today, serving Jesus by serving people (and it is for Jesus); however, the context of this portion of Scripture is for the Millennium.
In verse 31, we see that Jesus has come in His glory, with His angels with Him, and He is sitting on His throne. This is after the Day of the Lord, after the restoration of the earth, when Jesus is reigning from Jerusalem.
Not every person living during these one thousand years will live in submission to the Lord.
After the Millennium, Christ will divide those who served Him from those who chose not to serve Him. The ones who do not serve Him are cursed. They are thrown into the Lake of Fire. The righteous will enter into eternal life.
Leviticus 7-9
Moses gives more instruction about the priesthood and offerings. In chapter 8, Aaron and his sons are consecrated, or set apart, for their work as mediators between the children of Israel and the Lord. In chapter 9, the priestly ministry begins.
Leviticus 9:6 says, “This is the thing which the LORD commanded you to do, and the glory of the LORD will appear to you.” It was more than their obedience that drew the glory of the Lord; it was the offerings and the sacrifices.
In Leviticus 9, after the offerings were made, a fire came from the Lord and consumed the burnt offering. When the people saw this incredible happening, they shouted and fell on their faces in awe of God.
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