Hebrews 10:1-23
Verse 23 says, “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.”
The Greek word for “confession” is homologia, which comes from the same as homologeo, which means, “to say the same thing as another, to agree with, assent.” It also means “to profess, to declare openly, speak out freely” or “to profess oneself as the worshipper of one.” When used to profess, it implies the yielding or change of one’s conviction.
The CONFESSION of our hope is our declaration that we are yielded to Jesus Christ. Not only are we holding fast to our relationship with Christ; but we are also being diligent to keep true to our confession about our relationship with Christ. Let’s make sure we are saying it, “Jesus is my Lord!” Not only is He Lord, but all that pertains to our salvation is ours. What are we saying with the words of our mouth? Are we saying that grace is ours? Healing? Provision? Freedom? Supernatural help? Because they are part of the salvation available to us in Christ.
Our words are actuality indicators of our heart condition. Like an apple tree bears apple fruit and an orange tree produces orange fruit, our heart produces words that reflect the condition of our heart. Therefore, we should not just be giving attention to what we say, but to go inward, and find out what we really believe.
Ezekiel 4-6
God is God. Today we enter into the section of judgments on Judah, the southern tribes. In chapter 6, this phrase is mentioned 4 times, “you shall know that I am the Lord.” The purpose for judgment was this, that people become aware that God is God. God wanted the people to become aware of their need for Him and to submit to His loving lordship. God wants our attention, our awareness, and our allegiance. When we are surrendered to Him, we escape the consequences of sin. We also are privileged to enjoy His Presence and His blessings. God offers life to us, and we are wise to yield to it.
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