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March 6

Mark 11:1-19 In verses 1-11, Mark writes about the Triumphal Entry. To read my commentary on the Triumphal Entry, please refer to February 1. In vrses 15-19, Mark wites about Jesus cleansing the temple. The Jews were supposed to be bringing a sacrifice from their flock to be inspected for sacrifice, but instead, they were buying and selling sacrifices. The scribes and chief priests were fine with money being made...
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March 5

Mark 10:32-52 Starting in verse 32, this is Mark’s third account of Christ telling of His death and resurrection. This lets us know that Jesus wanted His disciples to understand what was going to happen before it happened. Starting in verse 35, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, requested the top positions of honor, on Jesus’ right and left. When the other ten heard about, they were not happy...
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March 4

Mark 10:1-31 When Jesus crossed the Jordan, a whole new group of people came to Him for ministry. He taught them, which He often would do. The Pharisees also came out, but they did not come to listen to His teaching; they came to test His teaching. Sometimes we should close our mouths and listen with our ears instead of closing our ears and opening our mouths. They questioned Jesus...
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March 3

Mark 9:30-50 In verses 30-32, the disciples hear Jesus tell them again about His death and resurrection on the third day. They didn’t understand what He meant. They were afraid to ask Him, perhaps because they didn’t understand and thought they should have, or it could be because they had a legitimate fear about the idea of the Jewish religious leaders coming after Him, and possibly them. The ministry of...
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March 2

Mark 9:1-29 In Mark 9:1-13 describes the transfiguration. Elijah and Moses appeared with Christ. Elijah and Moses were in their resurrected bodies, but manifested in the natural realm. In Mark 9:14-29 is the story of the boy delivered from a demon that caused him to be deaf and mute. Keep in mind that sometimes physical ailments are not just physical. Sometimes it is a devil causing problems in the body....
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March 1

Mark 8:22-38 In verses 22-26, Jesus ministers healing to a blind man. Jesus asked him a question that we don’t normally read about. Jesus asked him if he could see anything. I think Jesus perceived that the man had not fully received from the anointing, which he had not. Therefore, Jesus put His hands on the blind man again. The anointing is transfers like electricity. The second transfer of power...
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February 28

Mark 8:1-21   This is the second event of food being multiplied. This time the people followed Him for three days without eating, and Jesus was concerned for their wellbeing if they were to try to travel back to their cities and towns on foot. He knew their bodies needed sustenance. Again, Jesus looks to the disciples and asks, “What do you have?” In other words, look around, see what...
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February 27

Mark 7   We humans often are impressed with talent, influence, entourage, finances, possessions, strength, and appearance. We often appraise one another based on such natural things. We look on the outside to make assessments – how do they present themselves? How do they perform? We might even try to judge character based on the good things they do, what they give, how they contribute, and how much attention they...
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February 26

Mark 6:33-56   In this miracle of feeding the multitude, let’s look at a few points: In verse 33, we see a spiritual desperation in the people, putting in a great effort to get to Jesus on foot, and then staying for a long period of time without eating.  They were a large group without anyone leading them into truth through teaching. Jesus compared it to sheep without a shepherd.  ...
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February 25

Mark 6:1-32   REJECTION In verses 1-6, people in Jesus’ home town knew Him as the carpenter’s son, and they are offended at Him. To take up an offense is to choose to reject the Savior instead of accept the Savior. When people are offended at you, your ministry or the truth you bring, they are making a choice. They are choosing to reject you, but don’t be surprised; if...
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February 24

Mark 5:21-43   As in Matthew 9:18-31, we read this account of Jesus raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead and healing the woman with the issue of blood along the way.    Jairus was one of the rulers of the synagogue. He went searching for Jesus, begged Him to earnestly. He believed Jesus could change his situation and his daughter’s condition.    Jairus’ asked Jesus to come, lay His hands...
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