Straight Shooters

“Wounds from a friend can be trusted…” Proverbs 27:6 NIV If your friend was driving on a mountainous road, the bridge was out, and the signs were missing, wouldn’t you do everything that you could to stop your friend from heading in that direction? A real friend is...

Humble Associations

“…associate with the humble…” Romans 12:16 The humble are people of valor who posture themselves to harmonize with God and His people. The opposite of a humble person is someone who is unyielding. When someone refuses to yield, submission to church authority...

Shared Convictions

“Do not be misled: bad company corrupts good character.” I Corinthians 15:33 NIV When referring to your close friendships, the Bible makes it very clear that your inner circle, those that you closely fellowship with, should be people who share your convictions for a...

Friendship Covenants

“That they all may be one…” John 17:21 Jesus prayed for believers in John 17, asking the Father to make us one with each other, one with Him and one with the Father. Becoming one is covenant talk. A covenant is a union between two or more parties. In regard to a...