
July 26

Acts 26

Paul speaks to Agrippa in answer to the accusations against him. He gives his testimony of his supernatural encounter. In response to his story, Festus, who does not know God, shouts loudly, “PAUL, YOU ARE BESIDE YOURSELF! MUCH LEARNING IS DRIVING YOU MAD!” Festus called Paul insane, crazy. However, Paul addresses King Agrippa, saying, “I know that you do believe.” Agrippa has studied the prophets and the customs of the Jews. He was said to be an expert (verse 3). The King responds, “You almost persuade me to become a Christian.” Paul says that he would hope that everyone would receive Christ as their salvation because His salvation is available to everyone!

The rulers meet and discuss Paul’s case. They do not believe he is guilty of death. Agrippa said to Festus, “This man might have been set free if he had not appealed to Caesar.” However, God’s plan was for Paul to go to Rome. Paul didn’t miss God! He was right on track!

Psalm 47-49

Psalm 47 tells of God’s authority over all the earth and the people in it.

Psalm 48 is a psalm about God’s glory over Zion. Zion is the center of Jewish worship, a spiritual kingdom, a kingdom that now includes the New Testament church.

Psalm 49 is about having faith in God for strength and supply even when those who are wicked are prevailing over them.

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August 31

I Corinthians 11:1-15 Remember this Scripture is a letter from Apostle Paul to the Corinthian church. In this passage, Paul is addressing another specific issue in the culture of Corinth. In this time period and...
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August 30

1 Corinthians 10:14-33 Do we consider others before we speak or act? We often think about ourselves – our knowledge, our experience, our interpretations, our freedom. Paul encourages the Christians not to purposefully offend other...
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August 29

1 Corinthians 10:1-13 We all know what temptation is like. It’s a wrong desire that pulls, draws, attracts us away from our loving, obedient, dependency on God. Temptation entices us to please ourselves or to...
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