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August 3

Romans 4 In his letter to the Romans, Paul has already written to the Jews not to do away with the Law, and he tells them not to enforce the Law on Christian Gentiles. In chapter 4, Paul builds on his message of faith on Jesus Christ, the Messiah and the Redeemer of all mankind. Faith in the Old Testament Relationship with God has always been based on faith, under...
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August 2

Romans 3 In this chapter, Paul makes the point that all have sinned (verse 23). He does this in the context of Jews, having the knowledge of the Law, along with all the world (verse 19). Because of sin, we all DESERVE the death that comes from separating from a holy God. However, Paul says we’ve been JUSTIFIED by GRACE through REDEMPTION in Christ Jesus, a propitiation, or an appeasement...
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August 1

Romans 2 “Do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?,” Paul asked in verse 4. First, Paul is talking about valuing God’s love and mercy, not only to draw the lost person to trust the Father; but also to lead that person to the surrender and obedience of faith. There are two extremes of this truth...
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July 31

Romans 1 When Paul writes to those in Rome, he had not yet been to the city, but he knew of the Christians there (Romans 16:3-15). This letter was a way of introducing himself to the believers in Rome, as well as to unfold Christian truth of redemption and faith in Christ. Paul obviously sensed a pull on his heart to connect with the saints in Rome, to be a...
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July 30

Acts 28:16-31 Paul had God’s favor! The centurion allowed Paul to stay with him in Rome. When we trust and obey God, He favor follows us! Later Paul rents his own home and is under house arrest for 2 years. He preaches and teaches, without restraint, to those who come to him. Since Paul had certain freedoms, he was able to call leaders of the Jews together, communicating his innocence....
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July 29

Acts 28:1-15 Paul and the men on the boat landed on an island called Malta. While on Malta, and while a prisoner, Paul ministers. Paul is bitten by a poisonous snake, and the natives of the island expected his immediate death, but Paul shook off the snake into the fire with no physical reaction to the poison. Sometimes in life there are some poisonous things we need to shake off....
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July 28

Acts 27:26-44 There are 276 people on this ship. Paul is a leader, and he is taking leadership in a crisis, even though he is the prisoner. He encourages them to eat. They eat, then throw other provisions off the boat to lighten their load. They planned to kill the prisoners so they would not escape; but again, we see God use a Roman centurion to save Paul’s life. God’s...
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July 27

Acts 27:1-25 In verse 10, Paul says, “Men, I perceive…” and spoke of upcoming disaster to the ship, the cargo, and lives. The Bible says sailing was dangerous because “The Fast” was over. The fast referred to the Day of Atonement in late September or early October. This season was also a season for storms. Did Paul think there would be trouble simply because of the season? The Bible says...
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July 26

Acts 26 Paul speaks to Agrippa in answer to the accusations against him. He gives his testimony of his supernatural encounter. In response to his story, Festus, who does not know God, shouts loudly, “PAUL, YOU ARE BESIDE YOURSELF! MUCH LEARNING IS DRIVING YOU MAD!” Festus called Paul insane, crazy. However, Paul addresses King Agrippa, saying, “I know that you do believe.” Agrippa has studied the prophets and the customs...
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July 25

Acts 25 Festus travels to Caesarea in Judea, where Paul is imprisoned. The Jews approach Festus as their new leader, since Felix didn’t do anything, and urged him to move Paul to Jerusalem. They had a plot to ambush Paul on the way to Jerusalem to kill him. Festus questions Paul, and Paul, as a Roman Jew, appeals to Caesar Augustus, so Festus sends Paul to Rome. Then King Agrippa...
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July 24

Acts 24 Paul stood before a Roman commander, then the Sanhedrin, and now Felix. The Jews accused Paul, then Felix gave Paul permission to bring a defense. Felix’s wife, Druscilla, was Jewish, and Felix had heard of what was called “The Way,” or Christianity. Felix feared God and was considering the judgment that would come. He didn’t want to come against Paul. Paul was under what we might call house...
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July 23

Acts 23:12-35 Have you ever had a Christian brother or sister to discourage you from doing what you knew God was telling you to do? Paul did, and he chose to obey God. Has God ever called you to do something that involved facing opposition or difficulty? Would God do that? He called Paul to Jerusalem and Rome where more than one prophesied the trouble ahead. Paul obeyed God anyway....
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July 22

Acts 23:1-11 The commander that arrested Paul doesn’t understand what Paul has done wrong. He doesn’t want to interrogate a fellow Roman, so he decides to release Paul to the Sanhedrin. The commander does not leave Paul to the Jewish council, but is watching the proceedings and later rescues him from the angry and violent Jews (verse 10). Paul addresses the council, saying he has lived in good conscience. In...
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July 21

Acts 22 Paul has been arrested, saved from an angry, Jewish mob. He requests to speak to his haters, and the commander gives permission. We find what Paul says in Acts 22, speaking in Hebrew, appealing to his brethren. He identifies with them, recalling how he once persecuted the Christian Jews himself. Then he gives his personal testimony of his supernatural conversion. He mentioned a trance, where he spoke with...
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July 20

Acts 21:15-40 It is between 57 AD and 59 AD. From history we know that in just over 10 years from this time the Romans will destroy the temple and the Holy City of Jerusalem. Tension is mounting between Rome and the Jews. Not only is there tension between Israel and the government, but there is dissension between the Jews. Some Jews are holding on tight to Judaism as they...
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