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November 16

Hebrews 11:20-40 As we continue in chapter 11, also known as the Hall of Faith, in every example of faith, there is an action. Let’s remember that faith without action is useless and unproductive (James 2:20). Our obedience is more than reliance in theory; it’s reliance in action! In verse 40, we read that we complete them because the Christ they hoped for is the Christ who has now been...
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November 15

Hebrews 11:1-19 In chapter 10 we were encouraged to live by faith and not to shrink back. The writer continues to expound on faith in chapter 11, defining it, and giving examples of it. The examples given are not just about people who believed God; but they are about men and women who relied on and submitted to God, then acted from that trusted and surrendered relationship. In verse 2,...
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November 14

Hebrews 10:24-39 Verse 24 “Let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” In context, the author is writing about being encouraged to hold on to faith. One purpose of gathering together is to stir one another...
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November 13

Hebrews 10:1-23 Verse 23 says, “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” The Greek word for “confession” is homologia, which comes from the same as homologeo, which means, “to say the same thing as another, to agree with, assent.” It also means “to profess, to declare openly, speak out freely” or “to profess oneself as the worshipper of one.” When...
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November 12

Hebrews 9 There is a term we use for people who go to prison. They have committed a crime and now they need to “pay their debt to society.” In other words, there is a punishment for breaking the law and harming a part of the community. In that place, they live as someone bound, not free. They can be released from prison once the debt, or punishment, is made....
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November 11

Hebrews 8 We’ve got it better today! Hebrews is such a great book for showing us our relationship with God and the blessings God has given to us! For the Hebrews, the High Priest would offer animal sacrifices to God as a substitute offering for sin. God isn’t an animal hater, but God is a Father who was desperate to rescue His children! It may seem cruel and disgusting, but...
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November 10

Hebrews 7 The writer of Hebrews is writing mostly to Christian Jews, those men and women who were acquainted with the old covenant that was initiated with Moses. The reference made to Melchizedek precedes the old covenant and Moses, going back to Abraham. Abraham was known as the father of many nations, meaning he was God’s chosen man to originate salvation for us all through Jesus, Abraham’s descendant. Melchizedek was...
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November 9

Hebrews 6 Our spiritual condition is a matter that needs tending, similar to how we maintain physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. In chapter 5:11 the recipients of this letter were said to ‘HAVE BECOME dull of hearing” in reference to spiritual things. Then in 5:12-14 they are said to be spiritually immature. This leads us into chapter 6 where the writer mentions basic doctrine, their foundation, that needs to be...
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November 8

Hebrews 5 Jesus is the answer for the world today! Today we read about Jesus being our mediator, our go-between. Hebrews 5:2 describes the role of a priest, “able to exercise gentleness and forbearance toward the ignorant and erring, since he himself also is liable to moral weakness and physical infirmity.” Jesus, as the Son of Man, personally experiencing the human condition, understanding the deceitfulness of sin and the disastrous...
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November 7

Hebrews 4 The purpose of building a home is to live in it. While the house is under construction, there is no occupancy; however, once the home is complete, the work is over. Then someone can go in and reside. This is illustrative of the Hebrew receiving Christ, going from the performance of the Law, or works, to the grace of God, or a rest from performing. The Christian is...
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November 6

Hebrews 3 Chapter 3 is about being faithful. Christ was faithful to God who called Him. Moses was faithful to the Lord in his calling. Now the writer asks the Christian to be faithful as well, being on guard for unfaithfulness and rebellion. In verse 13 it says to “exhort one another daily,” or to build each other up. The purpose? “lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness...
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November 5

Hebrews 2 Chapter 2 is a continuation of chapter 1, starting with the word “therefore.” Therefore, give earnest heed to what we have heard about Jesus. In chapter 1 verse 14 it reads, “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” This writer also writes about the ministry of angels on the earth (who are known for bringing messages), stating that we...
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November 4

Hebrews 1 Hebrews is called Hebrews because it was written mainly to Christian Jews, the Hebrew people. The author is unknown, but most likely wrote from Rome to the Christians in Jerusalem. The main focus of the book is Jesus and the better covenant He established. The first chapter quotes many Old Testament scriptures that show Christ was exalted over angels. Before He was exalted, He first took a position...
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November 3

Philemon Do you have faults? Have you ever failed someone? While under house arrest in Rome, Paul met a man named Onesimus and led him to Christ. Onesimus had run away to Rome after stealing from his employer. Paul knew his employer, Philemon, a prominent and wealthy Christian man who hosted a church home group. This letter is Paul writing Philemon in an attempt to reconcile the two men, asking...
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November 2

Titus 3 In chapter 3 we find more pastoral instruction. Titus is to remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities. I’m a married woman. Do I always agree with my husband? No, but I submit when I disagree unless it goes against Scripture. In the same way, I can disagree with a politician, but I submit unless it goes against Scripture. Pastors are to encourage submission to...
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