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December 31

Revelation 22 There is a river of life that comes from the throne of God. There is a tree of life with twelve fruits, one for each tribe, and one for each month. The leaves of the tree are for healing. There is no more curse, only blessing that comes from the presence of the Lord. It is always light, with no need for sleep. We won’t feel tired anymore....
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December 30

Revelation 21 Daniel gave us a period of 30 days after the Great Tribulation and another 45 days. We know the wrath of God is poured out immediately after the Tribulation. We also see the Bema Seat judgment and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. These quite possibly happen during the 30 days. What happens after that? What takes place in the 45 days? We know God works to restore...
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December 29

Revelation 20 During Jesus’ millennial reign, Satan is cast into the bottomless pit. He was not allowed to deceive the nations during this 1,000 years, but after the millennium, he will be released for one last event. Jesus reigns on the earth, and He does so with saints that have been martyred during the Great Tribulation. I believe all saints will reign with Christ on the Earth. Obviously, like Christ,...
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December 28

Revelation 19 Babylon is a wicked religious system. Rome is a wicked political system. Babylon has fallen, and heaven rejoices. RAPTURE AND SECOND COMING In verse 6, we read about the marriage supper of the Lamb. The rapture has occurred, and Christians are together with the Lord. This event is a covenant act, sharing a meal together. In a Bible covenant, sharing a meal, taking in food and drink, meant...
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December 27

Revelation 18 After John saw the vision of the harlot, Rome, riding on the beasts, Antichrist, John saw another vision. In this vision, a mighty angel came down to him, and he shouts, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen!” We see the city falls quickly, within an hour (vv 10,17,19). WHO IS BABYLON? From Revelation 17:4-5, we see that the harlot woman, Rome, is also called Babylon. We also...
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December 26

Revelation 17 THE HARLOT: Rome One of the bowl angels shows John the judgment of the harlot. The harlot is Rome, perhaps a literal place. Others believe it is symbolic of God’s judgment on all nations that have risen and fallen. In verse 4 she is arrayed with wealth and power. She holds a golden cup of abominations, representing her wickedness. She was drunk with the blood of the saints...
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December 25

Revelation 16 The bowls of wrath take place after the Great Tribulation and the rapture. They are different from the trumpets. Here are some differences: the trumpets affect one-third of the earth, and the bowls affect the whole earth. The trumpet judgments are spread out over 42 months and happen in succession, but the bowls happen simultaneously. The purpose for the bowls is to purify the earth through judgment. Many...
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December 24

Revelation 15 The rapture has happened. As a prelude to the judgments, there is worship in heaven. We see people who are said to have victory over the beast, the Antichrist, with musical instruments, standing before God. They sing of the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb. As ones who were oppressed and now free, they sing of the holiness of God and His justice. After the...
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December 23

Revelation 14 John sees Jesus, the Lamb, with the 144,000 sealed Jews. Then John sees three angels and hears their proclamations. The first is proclaiming the everlasting Gospel all over the earth, fulfilling the prophecy that every nation, tribe, tongue, and people (Matthew 24:14). Jesus will come at an appointed, set time, and before then, this prophecy will be fulfilled. The second angel proclaims that Babylon is fallen. In the...
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December 22

Revelation 13 In chapter 13, we are continuing to go over the Great Tribulation in more detail. In verse 4 it says, “they worshipped the dragon (Satan from chapter 12) who gave authority to the beast from the sea (the Antichrist).” The image of the 7 heads and 10 horns is illustrative of nations (heads) and leaders (horns). This wicked world leader, the Antichrist, has power for 3 ½ years,...
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December 21

Revelation 12 Chapter 12 is another description of the Great Tribulation, a prophecy that folds over another prophecy in order to bring in more detail. Revelation is not chronologically written, or we would be moving forward from the end of the tribulation we read about in chapter 11. In verse 6, John refers to the 3 ½ years when the Jews flee from the Antichrist. This is the second half...
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December 20

Revelation 11 Again, we are getting detail on the Great Tribulation, the last half of the Jews’ seven years. This prophecy is given in between the first two woes and the coming third woe, which we see in verse 15. The Great Tribulation occurs after the Abomination of Desolation when the Antichrist destroys temple sacrifice and turns on the Jewish people. In verse 2, the angel says the Gentiles will...
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December 19

Revelation 10 We’ve read about the first and second woes, or sorrows. However, the third woe doesn’t come until Revelation 11:15. Chapter 10 through 11:14 is an interlude in prophecy, where the Holy Spirit goes back with a layer of prophecy, giving us more detail to the Great Tribulation, or the last half of the seven years for the Jews (Daniel’s 70th week). John sees a vision of a mighty...
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December 18

Revelation 9 FIFTH TRUMPET: Locusts As seen in verse 12, the locusts are the first woe (sorrow), with two more to come. Demonic beings, are released from the bottomless pit that cause five months of torment. The comparison to the locust is in reference to their approximate 5 month life cycle. These beings will torment, not kill, allowing opportunity for repentance of men and women. These demons work under the...
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December 17

Revelation 8 Revelation 8 opens the seventh seal, which opens the seven trumpets. The seven trumpets where given to seven angels. Here are some notes: The trumpets give an overview to the Great Tribulation. We see that the book of Revelation is not chronological. This chapter overlays a portion of the prophecy of the seals. The seven trumpets are in response to prayers of the saints, calling on God to...
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